
Showing posts from 2012

Lebih Jauh Tentang Hikmat Surya Permana

Hikmat Surya Permana dan Personal Komputer Pertama kali saya belajar komputer, saya belajar dengan komputer 286 dengan prosesor 8 MHz, dan layar Monochrome (hitam putih) Secara intensif, pertama kali berkenalan dengan komputer ketika menginjak kelas 1 SMA (1991), ketika ada pelajaran Komputer. Saat itu saya belajar tentang sistem operasi DOS (MS-DOS) dan belajar mengetik dengan menggunakan WordStar. Merupakan pelajaran yang sungguh mengasyikan. Sejak saat itu juga saya bercita-cita untuk memiliki komputer sendiri. Beruntung saya punya teman yang kakaknya kuliah di Teknik Informatika dan punya komputer. Bersama teman lainnya kami sering hang-out dan ngulik berbagai program komputer dan games. Flowchart, Banner, Basic adalah sebagian kecil yang saya hapal pernah kami ulik .

Introducing : Connect, Collaborate, Communicate - New Theme for 2012

It has been about two week since the first day of 2012. And I have just finished contemplating myself and my blogs. From now on Hikmat Surya Permana is using its own theme, created from scratch by its author (that would be me), using Maroon color as the central color. After long hours of interpreting the languange of Blogspot, now I can do a little bit of manipulating the theme, thank God. And for the blog tag, I used : Connect, Collaborate, Communicate. Sounds great isn't it ?!. I just hope you'll like it, just as I like it. Connect, Collaborate, Communicate in 2012 Connect . Collaborate , Communicate We are now live in the borderless world. There's no boundaries. I want to connect to people around the world, to collaborate with them and then communicate with the rest of the world.