Hikmat Surya Permana's Software Standard and Review

Doc Status : Not Completed Yet

Some of the standard software are outdated but they are still can be optimized and working just fine.

Operating System :
  1. Microsoft Windows XP
  2. Ubuntu Linux and Knoppix
Office Application :
  1. Microsoft Office 2003
    Everyone knows MS Office is a leading office application suite in the world.
  2. OpenOffice
  3. AbiWord
    AbiWord is used in my Computer Lab in Andir Kidul 1 State Elementary School
HTML Authoring :
  1. Macromedia 4
  2. EditPlus 2.12
Vector Imaging :
  1. XaraX1
  2. CorelDRAW 11
Raster Imaging :
  1. Adobe Photoshop CS
3D Modelling :
  1. Maxon Cinema4D 9


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